The Ministerium fur Staatsicherheit, or "Stasi" for short, was the state security service of East Germany, the so-called German Democratic Republic. Its surveillance tactics were cutting-edge then, and the Stasi became one of the most effective spy organizations the world has ever known.
With approximately 274,000 members, including approximately 189,000 "Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter" (I.M.s), aka snitches, along with their KGB counterparts - a certain Vladimir Putin comes to mind - the Stasi's reign of terror over the citizens of East Germany lasted over 40 years from its founding on February 8, 1950, to shortly after the fall of the Berlin wall.
The I.M.s were everywhere, and the Stasi's effectiveness was greatly enhanced by having these snitches embedded in every level of East German society.
Every apartment building had an I.M. who reported to the local Stasi officer about the goings-on in the building, who came and went, etc. While effective, the mail carrier was one of the most effective snitches employed by the Stasi. The mail carrier knew everyone in their delivery area and was perfect for the job. I know this as my wife's Grandmother, a mail carrier in Stendal, Germany, was told by the STASI in no uncertain terms that if she didn't work for them, they would take her daughter away. Her Grandmother and Mother would flee the east 3 days later, ending up in Hamburg.
Fast forward to 2024. We have been witnessing the rise of the American Neo-Stasi in real-time. Politicians want to embed informants into every part of society. The Biden administration ignores actual terrorism from BLM, Antifa, and Trantifa. Instead, it wishes to clamp down on conservatives by training your co-workers, neighbors, and friends to be snitches and concentrate on anyone with an independent, liberty-minded opinion.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul continues her hunt for dissidents on social media. Her “Hateful Conduct Law” was recently struck down, so while she regroups, her administration, along with New York Mayor Eric Adams and NYFD Commissioner Laura Kavanagh will Carry On and Keep Spying.
At a recent ceremony for the first black female chaplain in NYFD history, rank-and-file firefighters booed the master of ceremonies, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and shouted out chants of Trump. This caused NYFD commissioner Laura Kavanagh, who has never been a firefighter, to spring into action.
Kavanagh had one of her water boys FDNY Chief of Department John Hodges, send out an email warning that an investigation led by the department's Bureau of Investigation and Trials (BITS) was being initiated coming over the boos and chants of "Trump" that James received at the event.
"BITS is investigating this, so they will figure out who the members are. I recommend they come forward. I have been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward and we don't have to hunt them down," Hodges wrote FDNY chiefs Saturday in the letter obtained by The New York Post.
Excuse Me… "hunt them down?"
It appears that New York Mayor Eric Adams, who has between 10 and 25 arrests in his 22-year NYPD career, depending on who is to be believed, has never been a police officer and also wants in on some STASI action.
Retired NYPD Lt. John Macari Jr. went to Twitter after being advised that NYPD cops are being warned not to partake in his New York's Finest: Retired & Unfiltered podcast at work or while using department computers. Rumors are that NYPD management (politicians) are identifying active NYPD members who like, share, or engage with "Two Retired Lieutenants" on social media. In his opinion, this is being done to compile a list of members who are not "fond" of the administration for future harassment.
NYPD policy allows members to listen to the radio on duty and have the television on in the office's background. They can watch or listen to drive-by media, but apparently, they are not allowed to listen to #TheFinestUnfiltered on department computers at work.
In a recent hearing, Congressman Jim Jordan revealed that the DHS, together in a partnership with the corporate world, has been compiling lists of persons with incorrect political positions via their Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) portal. The DSAC portal is only accessible by corporate members, including Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Walt Disney Company, Dick's Sporting Goods, and government entities.
"The federal government is building profiles on the American people, and the profile isn't based on criminal conduct; it's based on political beliefs," said Jordan at the start of a hearing by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government "And if you got the wrong political beliefs, well, you're potentially a domestic violent extremist."
Jordan stated that an FBI whistleblower came forward and told the committee that the DSAC portal was used to track down J6 participants by searching for purchases made in the days before and after the protest, using keywords like MAGA and TRUMP.
"All this being done with no process, no warrant, no notification to the customer that the banks are actually supposed to serve… Big government shouldn't be working with big banks to target Americans for behavior that is legal and constitutional" - Jim Jordan.
So remember folks, 1984 is here, and your government's internal security service is watching you. They'll keep watching until "you get your mind right."
Outstanding article. You would think that there are greater public safety concerns than 'hunting down' first responders providing honest feedback. I love that top brass at One Police Plaza are concerned about The Finest Unfiltered Podcast, a couple of harmless retired lieutenants with a heart for those still serving.